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8.1 `.sporch' Initialization File Example

Following is a sample .sporch initialization file which SPORCH looks for in the user's home directory. (It appears in install/path/share/sporch as dot_sporch.)

# -*- Conf -*-
# sample .sporch initialization file

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# all of these are default values (except for `db-dir')

# path to root soundfile directory--this is where all the sound files, the inst
# def file and the database file are
db-dir = "/path/to/root/soundfile/directory"

# the filename of the sporch database
db-name = "db"

# the filename of the instrument def file
inst-conf-name = "inst"

# the filename of the database configuration file(s) in the database directory
# and subdirectories
db-conf-name = "conf"

# the filename extension for hidden cache files
tmp-file-ext = "dat"

# whether or not to use cache files
use-tmp-files = yes

# whether or not to remove unused cache files
rm-extra-tmp-files = yes

# integer specifying the highest power used to determine FFT sizes.  3 
# specifies the FFT size must be some multiple of powers of 2 and 3.  5 would 
# specify that it must be a multiple of 2, 3 and 5, etc..  The default value is
# 2 (only power of 2 sizes allowed)
fft-pow-limit = 2

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# only `sporchq' uses these

# list of strings sent to gnuplot before sending the plot data.  the dollar
# sign variables are replaced with appropriate strings
gnuplot-hdr = ("set terminal $term"
               "set xlabel $x"
               "set ylabel $y"
               "$plot title $title with $style")

# the path to the gnuplot executable
gnuplot-exe = "/path/to/gnuplot"

# the string that replaces the `term' variable above
gnuplot-term = "dumb 119 36"

# the string that replaces the `style' variable for most plots
gnuplot-style-norm = "lines"

# the string that replaces the `style' variable for peaks plots
gnuplot-style-peaks = "linespoints"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# only `sporchq' and `' uses these.  these aren't default values--
# their meaning depends on how the database is compiled

# specifies a default tuning defined in the `insts' file.  leaving this alone
# selects the default tuning set in the database.
default-tuning = "12tet"

# path to a default orchestra definition file
default-orchfile = "/path/to/my/orchfile"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# only `' uses these--all of these are default values except for
# the first two

# path to a default source sound file
default-src-file = "/path/to/interesting/soundfile.wav"

# default orchestra selection (defined in the orchestra def file)
default-orch = "smallorch"

# a value from 0 to 1 (or above) specifying how "deep" the search should be.  a
# value of 0 specifies a linear search with no branching.  any other value
# allows sporch to do a depth first search, branching only when there are two
# or more best selections that score within a certain range.  increasing this
# value increases this range (a value of 1, for example, specifies a full
# depth-first search with the exception of the limit imposed by 
# `default-max-branch')
default-search-inc = 0

# this puts a limit on the number of branches allowed at any given node in the 
# depth-first search
default-max-branch = 1

# the base analysis location (options are begin, middle, end and peak)--this is
# relative to `off1' and `off2' or `dur' if they are given 
default-loc = begin

# offset from the base location (if specifying `loc = peak', and `off = 0.2', 
# the small value here moves the analaysis point to 0.2 seconds just after the 
# attack)
default-off = 0

# segments of a larger file can be specified using these two parameters.  if 
# these two settings are 1 and 2 and `loc = peak' is specified, sporchdb looks
# for the highest amplitude point between 1 and 2 secs. into the file.  they 
# default to the beginning and end of the file.  these can be turned off with 
# `none'
default-off1 = none
default-off2 = none

# `off1' and `dur' can be used instead of `off1' and `off2' to specify the same
# thing
default-dur = none

# the size of the fft.  a floating point number indicates to choose the next 
# largest power of 2 (or whatever is specified with `fft-pow-limit') than the
# number of frames in that many seconds of the sound file (the fft size
# changes, then, for different sample rates).  an integer simply specifies a 
# fixed fft size
default-fft-size = 0.5

# specifies a minimum threshold for extracting peaks (this is mandatory and 
# defaults to -120 dB)
default-thresh = -120

# amplify the fft results by some dB value (happens immediately after fft 
# results and before peak extraction)
default-amp = none

# specifies the number of dynamic levels that appear in the output.  a 
# reasonable value for this is between 6 and 8 since that's approximately how 
# many notated dynamic levels there are (the default is 6)
default-n-dyns = 6

# indicates a default tuning adjustment in cents
default-tune = none

# indicates the total number of fft analyses to take
default-fft-n = 1

# this number of fft analyses are selected from the total number and averaged
# together to get the final fft for peak extraction
default-fft-ave = 1

# the fft's above are taken in equal offset increments over half a second
# (specifed here by the 0.5)
default-fft-span = 1